Parental Involvement

Open Door Policy:

At Kangaroo Kids, we believe that parents are partners with us in the child’s education and therefore their involvement is of great importance. We have an open-door policy where parents are absolutely free to approach the centre manager, co-coordinator or teacher with their queries, concerns and feedback.

Parent-Teacher meetings

Conducted quarterly to give parents an opportunity to discuss their child’s growth with the respective class teacher.

Roster system for snacks

Parents provide healthy snack and fruit to all the children in the class on a rotational basis.

Special Days and Events

Parents and Grandparents are invited to school to participate in activities on special days, sense booths etc.

Friends of Kangaroo kids

We also invite parents having special talents to display the same to children.

Inclusion Policy

At Kangaroo Kids, all students across the spectrum including gifted, differently abled and self-paced learners are entitled to equal opportunities to discover, enhance and maximize their potential. Thus, all students are integrated into the mainstream classroom.

What does this mean to your child?
  • Lays the foundation to an inclusive society by accepting, respecting and celebrating diversity.
  • Provides a diverse stimulating environment to grow and learn
  • Learning takes place from peer modeling.
  • Results in improved social development and academic outcomes for all learners.
  • Provides a sense of belonging to all.
  • Enhances self-respect.
  • Helps every child to achieve his/her best.
  • Prepares them for real life situations

Admission Procedure

Admissions are open for the academic year 2023-2024;
Grade Preschool Year Age eligibility
Playgroup Pre-School year 1 1.5 - 2.5 years
Nursery Pre-School year 2 2.5 – 3.5 years
PP I Pre-School year 3 3.5 – 4.5 years
PP II Pre-School year 4 4.5 - 5.5 years

Please register your child online or in person at school.

Admission Kit:

Collect the admission kit and fill in the forms given with the kit and submit them at the school.


The following documents need to be submitted with the form

  • One copy of the child’s birth certificate
  • One copy of the school’s report cards (wherever applicable) only for records.
  • One copy of the passport of the child and the parents in case of foreign Nationality/non resident Indians.
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