Our facilities include:
- Classrooms (air-conditioned)
- Outdoor play gym
- Library
- Audio visual room
- Vegetable patch
- Texture garden
- Pantry
- Child-friendly washrooms
Parental Involvement
Open Door Policy:
At Kangaroo Kids, we believe that parents are partners with us in the child’s education and therefore their involvement is of great importance. We have an open-door policy where parents are absolutely free to approach the centre manager, co-coordinator or teacher with their queries, concerns and feedback.
Parent-Teacher meetings
Conducted quarterly to give parents an opportunity to discuss their child’s growth with the respective class teacher.
Roster system for snacks
Parents provide healthy snack and fruit to all the children in the class on a rotational basis.
Special Days and Events
Parents and Grandparents are invited to school to participate in activities on special days, sense booths etc.
Friends of Kangaroo kids
We also invite parents having special talents to display the same to children.